Hello, my name is Gerald
I am a

Software Engineer

Crafting data-driven, responsive designs for web and mobile, with a focus on functionality, automation, and user experience.

My Services


Data-Driven Digital Design

I love creating digital experiences that blend beauty with brains. My designs aren't just about looking good—they're about working well, too. By combining my knack for aesthetics with data insights, I design user-friendly interfaces that people enjoy using. Whether it's a sleek web app, a responsive mobile app, or an interactive dashboard, I focus on making sure every detail not only looks great but also makes sense for the user. My goal is to build designs that are not just eye-catching but also meaningful and effective.

Full-Stack Development & Automation

I’m passionate about building web applications that do more than just function—they solve problems. As a full-stack developer, I bring ideas to life using the MERN stack, ensuring they’re not just built but built to last. I love weaving in automation and real-time data processing to make sure the apps I develop are efficient and user-friendly. Whether it's a simple one-page site or a complex platform, I make sure it’s responsive, secure, and works smoothly across all devices. My aim is to create digital solutions that are easy to use, helpful, and always a step ahead of the game.

My Works


Employee Attrition and Turnover Dashboard

Data Analysis

A live interaction Power B.I. dashboard for longstanding Pharmaceuticals, tracking the employee Attrition levels and, most notably, the turnover rate over the years. Highlight possible reasons for employee turnover and forecast employee trends for the next ten (10) years.


Predicting Obesity Levels From Various Risk Factors Using Machine-Learning Technique

Machine Learning

An analytical project dealing with predicting Obesity levels in random individuals using a Support Vector Machine. The model achieved a 98.5 accuracy.


Zeus application


This a multi-statistical app that displays graphs of Police stop and searches reports from the year 2020 to 2022 and the Covid19 cases that occurred in 2020




A simple website built to
market an up coming App.




The App is hosted on Heroku
site and uses Mail chip’s
API to get Clients mail
on sign-up.


Todo App


The App runs on Heroku site and its
data base is hosted on Mongo db,
it is multi-page rendering App.


Note App


This is a simple Note App
built with React. js and
enhanced with material UI.

About Me

image image


  • I am an enthusiastic Web developer with a MERN stack. Looking for opportunities to show case my brilliant skills.


Data-Driven Digital Design


Full-Stack Development & Automation


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“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor. ”
- Elon Musk

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